Can Marketing Save the Planet?

It’s a big question we ask every one of our guests.

Our podcast is committed to keeping the conversation going around sustainability and the important strategic role that marketing and commuinication plays.

Our guests include senior Marketers, senior leaders, CMOs, academics, authors, sustainability consultants, social impact founders, experts and more.

We help Marketers save the Planet. Our purpose is to drive education and share best practice, to inspire and empower Marketers (and beyond), to start asking questions and importantly… to start taking action.

Tune in to over 80+ and growing all the time episodes… You’ll find the podcast on Spotify , Global Player , Apple, and on all the usual platforms. (Pretty much wherever you get yours!). Tune in.

Download our About the Podcast Overview Doc - or get in touch, if you’ve got an idea for an episode…

Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 25: The hidden impact on our plates - Juliane Caillouette-Noble, Managing Director at The Sustainable Restaurant Association

“People need to understand that the embedded carbon footprint in their dining choices is actually one of the most impactful in their lives’

It’s a new year and many of us are emerging from the festive season, where food and drink takes its place centre stage in the ads we see, the conversations we have and the celebratory plans we make. January brings with it, new year resolutions to eat more healthily, do ‘dry Jan’ and more recently give the growing trend of Veganuary a go.

In this episode we speak to the brilliant Juliane Caillouette-Noble, Managing Director of The Sustainable Restaurant Association.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 24: Time for the creative industry to stop promoting pollution with Duncan Meisal, Director at Clean Creatives

“It’s critical brands consider the supply chain of their ideas.”

The evidence is clear that with responsibility for 75% of carbon pollution, the fossil fuel industry is the number one cause of climate change. Yet, following COP26 - and our increased awareness of the catastrophic impact the industry is having on the planet, the urgency to transition to clean energy is still lacking.

In this episode Gemma and I speak with Duncan Meisal, Director at Clean Creatives - an organisation dedicated to encouraging brands, agencies and creatives to reject working with the fossil fuel industry - providing data, facts, statistics and support.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 23: It’s not about Purpose - it’s about who you can help me become! Thomas Kolster, Author, Founder.

“The ultimate proof point is answering the question… who can you help people become?”

In this episode we speak to author of The Hero Trap and Founder and Creative Director of Goodvertising, Thomas Kolster. Thomas has been championing sustainability in the advertising and marketing industry for over a decade - he tells us that when he wrote his first book, Goodvertising, back in 2012, no one in ‘the industry’ was really interested in what he had to say - his main audience was those already embracing sustainability. However, jump a decade forward - and now he spends his time consulting and sharing his wisdom with leading brands and agencies around the world.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 22: What’s marketing got to do with human trafficking? - with Ruth Dearnley, OBE, CEO, Stop the Traffik

“You can’t stop what you can’t see.”

In this episode we hear from Ruth Dearnley, founder and CEO of Stop the Traffik - an organisation working to prevent human trafficking globally through an innovative, intelligence-led approach.

“By shining a light on this hidden crime, and by empowering communities and businesses, we can change the environment and increase the risk to the trafficker and the safety of the vulnerable.”

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 21: Brand Led Sustainability with Luc Speisser, Global Chief Innovation Officer at Landor & Fitch

“A brand is a promise and a great brand is a promise kept.”

In this episode Luc Speisser, Global Chief Innovation Officer, generously shares his years of experience working within Landor & Fitch, leading brand led sustainability.

Luc breaks down what brand led sustainability means for businesses - bringing to light the key point, that it’s not enough for brands to simply focus on sustainability - they have to make sustainability profitable to sustain the business - and this means finding a genuine point of differentiation that strategically fits their brand.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 20: The role finance plays in moving us towards a sustainable future with James Alexander, CEO, UKSIF

“The role of marketing is critical. Marketing what is real rather than the image you want to create!”

In this episode James really sets the record straight on just what sustainable finance is and the role finance and financial investment plays in moving us towards a sustainable future.

With over 270 members within UKSIF (UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association) and constantly growing, James leads a membership committed to growing sustainable and responsible finance in the UK.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 19: Holding the question…What can we do? The power of bringing people together to #ChangeTheBrief with Rob McFaul, Co-Founder of Purpose Disruptors

“How can we make living with less not feel like loss…?

Great question… and one of many raised by Rob McFaul, co-founder of Purpose Disruptors.

In this episode Rob shares how Purpose Disruptors was born and how it has rapidly grown into a collective of over 2000 people focused on holding space to ask important questions - bringing people together to learn and grow confidence and expertise so that they can effect meaningful change.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 18: Exploring the ‘Values Economy’, ‘Purpose’ and what it means for organisations - with Author and Director of ServiceBrand Global, Alan Williams

“Values are for living… not laminating.”

It was a total pleasure to have a conversation with Alan exploring his recent book, ‘The Values Economy’ - a practical tool designed to help organisations fine tune their business to be truly values driven.

For over 20 years, Alan has worked with organisations developing a values driven approach. In our podcast he shares, how he got started working in values, why he developed the book - and importantly, what the values economy is.

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Michelle Carvill Michelle Carvill

Episode 17: Sustainability and the Sports Events Industry with Giles Stanford, Director of Global Events at CSM Live

In this podcast we ask Giles to share his experience around how the events industry has shifted over the past 20- years. Giles shares his experience of planning the Olympic games, which had a strong sustainability agenda - and how at that time, planners, designers, from both the events industry and the construction industry, had to work together to put sustainability at the centre of decision making and innovation - causing both industries to raise their game.

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